Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rolly Polly & Banana - My Toddler's First Rhymes

Time flies, so they say, and how! My son is now almost eight, and I clearly remember the day he was born, and the day when I left him at his daycare for the first time, and that when he merrily belted out the first rhyme he had learned at the daycare. He went something like this:

Oi poi oi poi
pup pup pup...

Yes, he was still to learn his proper words (all he could properly pronounce was "Bukka" [=book] and of course, Ma!). I was curious and so his daycare teacher sang along:

Rolly polly rolly polly
Up up up
Rolly polly rolly polly
Down down down
Rolly polly rolly polly
In in in

Rolly polly rolly polly
Out out out

As the words rolled, his tiny arms went up and down and in and out! Oh, what a lovely way to teach my baby his ups and downs and ins and outs!

I found another variation of the rhyme where you push, stretch, pull, and clap instead of going up and down etc.

The next "poem" I remember to be his favourite during his daycare days is one that he learned when he was somewhat older. Thanks to this one, he still loves bananas!

Ba ba ba ba banana
Oh, how I love my banana!
My Mamma gave me a rupee
To buy me a toffee,
But I didn't buy any toffee
I bought myself a banana!

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