Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Nursery Rhyme about A Hen, and A Hen Poem or Two

My favourite nursery rhyme about a hen is 'Higgledy Piggledy'. It was also one of the favourite children's poems at Anant's daycare. Here it is for you:

Higgledy piggledy my black hen,
She lays eggs for gentlemen.
Sometimes nine and sometimes ten
Higgledy piggledy my black hen.

Today this led me to wonder about other nursery rhymes about hens. 
Initially, I couldn't think of any. 
Then I went around the world wide web
 and found not one but many. 
(I rhymed!!)

OK. So here's what I found:

A lovely little poem about four little chicks and their mommy hen:

Said the first little chicken
With a strange little squirm, 
'I wish, I could find
A fat little worm!'

Said the next little chicken
With an odd little shrug,
'I wish, I could find
A fat little bug!'

Said the third little chicken
With a small sigh of grief,
'I wish, I could find
A green little leaf!'

Said the fourth little chicken
With a faint little moan,
'I wish, I could find
A wee gravel stone!'

'Now, see here!' said the mother, 
From the green garden patch,
'If you want any breakfast,
just come here and scratch.'

And a cute little kid's rhyme about what all hens can do:

A hen can lay a big brown egg.
A hen can stand on just one leg.
A hen can run.
A hen can walk.
A hen can say, 'Bawk, bawk, bawk'. (And I thought hens said 'cluck, cluck, cluck!) 
But do you know what a hen can't do?
A hen can't -------------like you!

Now, it's time for us to fill those blanks:
A hen can't (clap clap clap/run fast/bend down) like you!
Do share what else we can do that a hen can't.